Name :
Anthony Joseph Canedo
Subtitle :
Google Panda & Penguin SEO,PPC,Internet Marketing,Wordpress,HTML5,CSS
Location :
Bislig City, Philippines
Number reviews :
Number projects :
Rate billing :
Rate currency :
Skill :
Social Media Marketing,
Internet Marketing,
on page optimization,
off page,
pay per click,
Google AdWords,
Google Adsense,
Google Analytics,
Google Maps,
google places,
Google Plus,
keyword research,
reputation management,
Web Design,
web content management,
Adobe Dreamweaver,
Corel Paint Shop Pro,
Windows XP,
Windows 7,
Microsoft Word,
windows administration,
Network Administration,
Customer Service,
Customer Support,
Technical Support,
call center management,
call handling,
Travel Agent,
helpdesk support,
Email Handling,
email support,
Email Marketing,
virtual assistant skills,
Project Management,
outsourcing and marketing strategy
Anthony joseph canedo from
Bislig City, Philippines
is interested in Google Panda & Penguin SEO,PPC,Internet Marketing,Wordpress,HTML5,CSS. Anthony joseph canedo is working as a Freelancer and can be found in many freelancing marketplace. Anthony joseph canedo provides freelancing service
Websites, IT & Software, Sales & Marketing, Other, IT & Programming, Design, Media & Architecture, Design & Multimedia, Writing & Translation, Admin Support, Data Entry & Admin and Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal. Anthony joseph canedo very Skilled with
SEO, Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing, Wordpress, SEM, on page optimization, off page, pay per click, Google AdWords, Google Adsense, Google Analytics, Google Maps, google places, Google Plus, Advertising, keyword research, reputation management, HTML, HTML5, CSS, Joomla, Web Design, web content management, Adobe Dreamweaver, Corel Paint Shop Pro, Windows XP, Windows 7, Microsoft Word, windows administration, Network Administration, Customer Service, Customer Support, Technical Support, call center management, call handling, Travel Agent, helpdesk support, Email Handling, email support, Email Marketing, virtual assistant skills, Project Management, BPO, outsourcing and marketing strategy.
Anthony joseph canedo so far completed 32 projects and has about 4 reviews from clients who has used earlier freelancing projects. Anthony joseph canedo hourly rate is $12.50/hr and gets paid in $.
Please follow this link to hire directly.
Anthony joseph canedo so far completed 32 projects and has about 4 reviews from clients who has used earlier freelancing projects. Anthony joseph canedo hourly rate is $12.50/hr and gets paid in $.
Please follow this link to hire directly.
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