Name :
leandro manuel t.
Subtitle :
Facil de aprender dificil de enseñar
Location :
buenos aires, Argentina
Number projects :
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Service :
Skill :
Leandro manuel t. from buenos aires, Argentina is interested in Facil de aprender dificil de enseñar. Leandro manuel t. is working as a Freelancer and can be found in many freelancing marketplace. Leandro manuel t. provides freelancing service
Other. Leandro manuel t. very Skilled with
Practico soccer desde los 9 años, Estudie las metodologias de como enseñarlo, Formo grupos homogeneos dentro y fuera de un campo de juego, Soy bastante exigente con la disciplina and Rindo mi maximo esfuerzo con mi trabajo siempre.
Leandro manuel t. so far completed 0 projects and has about 0 reviews from clients who has used earlier freelancing projects. Leandro manuel t. hourly rate is (not mentioned) and gets paid in $.
Please follow this link to hire directly.
Leandro manuel t. so far completed 0 projects and has about 0 reviews from clients who has used earlier freelancing projects. Leandro manuel t. hourly rate is (not mentioned) and gets paid in $.
Please follow this link to hire directly.
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