Margaret N Profile from Kenya
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 Margaret N
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Margaret n from Kenya is interested in . Margaret n is working as a Freelancer and can be found in many freelancing marketplace.  Margaret n provides freelancing service Other, Design, Media & Architecture, Websites, IT & Software and Business, Accounting, Human Resources & Legal. Margaret n very Skilled with Apache Lucene, Solr, CSS, HTML, XML, J2EE, Javascript and AJAX to Pr..., ORM (Object Relational Ma..., EJB 2.1 and 3.0 and Spri..., Salesforce Apex, visualforce,, servlets, JSP, Custom Tags, Web Frameworks: Struts, Spring MVC, jsf and Web Services (Including A....

Margaret n so far completed 0 projects and has about 0 reviews from clients who has used earlier freelancing projects. Margaret n hourly rate is 31 and gets paid in $.

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