Q31AK7EN Profile from Argentina
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 Argentina, Buenos Aires, , Martínez
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Q31ak7en from Argentina, Buenos Aires, , Martínez is interested in NATIVE PORTUGUESE AND SPANISH TRANSLATOR. Q31ak7en is working as a Freelancer and can be found in many freelancing marketplace.  Q31ak7en provides freelancing service Other, Writing & Content and Writing & Translation. Q31ak7en very Skilled with Business Intelligence (BI), commercial documentation, Business to Business (B to (...) Business to Business (B to B), Sales Brochure Design, Translator (technical), Translation, MICROSOFT OFFICE EX (...) MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL , MICROSOFT OFFICE VI (...) MICROSOFT OFFICE VISIO , MICROSOFT OFFICE 20 (...) MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010, MICROSOFT POWERPOIN (...) MICROSOFT POWERPOINT , MICROSOFT OUTLOOK  and Microsoft Word.

Q31ak7en so far completed 0 projects and has about 0 reviews from clients who has used earlier freelancing projects. Q31ak7en hourly rate is 100.00 €/project and gets paid in $.

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