QBLQ7YEN Profile from Russia
Name :
Subtitle :
 Team of developers with 6 years experience
Location :
 Russia, Siberia, Novosibirsk oblast, Novosibirsk
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Qblq7yen from Russia, Siberia, Novosibirsk oblast, Novosibirsk is interested in Team of developers with 6 years experience. Qblq7yen is working as a Freelancer and can be found in many freelancing marketplace.  Qblq7yen provides freelancing service Other, IT & Programming, Websites, IT & Software and Design, Media & Architecture. Qblq7yen very Skilled with CMS Implementation, Mobile Application, Client-Server Applications, Web Development, software development, SQL Lite, HTML5, MOBILE APPLICATION (...) MOBILE APPLICATION (ANDROID), Objective C, ASP.NET , Java, Microsoft SQL Serve (...) Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, PHP 5.X, HTML, C++, VISUAL C# .NET, .NET , css3, ASP, Javascript, CSS, ADO.NET , MOBILE APPLICATION (...) MOBILE APPLICATION (IOS, IPHONE, IPAD), Jquery UI, MySQL, PHP YII, SQL, VB Script and jQuery.

Qblq7yen so far completed 0 projects and has about 0 reviews from clients who has used earlier freelancing projects. Qblq7yen hourly rate is 700.00 €/day and gets paid in $.

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