Deals, Discounts, And Free Samples: How Much Is Enough?

The expectation of getting ‘something extra’ with everything in our lives comes quite naturally to human beings. Researches, studies of years of advertising have proven this as a fact that the prospect of getting something ‘free’ with a product or getting a product at a discounted price is what that attracts the customers the most.

When working as a freelancer you will come across many instances when the client would have asked you for a discount or frees sample. You would have also heard of freelancers offering various deals to clients. For the clients to expect something ‘extra’ in return of the work is not entirely unjust.

In our last post on discounts, deals, and free samples, we had discussed about the pro and cons of each. In this post, we will throw some light on how much of ‘deals, discounts, and free samples’ are enough. There are no hard and fast rules about this but here are some things to keep in mind.

Pre-Planned Deals, Discounts, and Free Samples

As a freelancer it is not easy to get the pricing right. There are many factors, which come in the way of pricing. Since most freelancers offer deals in terms of pricing it is important that you get your timing right. It should not appear that you are giving a deal or discount out because you are desperate for work. Package the deal as if you are doing it for the clients.

For example, you can offer deals and discounts around the holiday seasons. There is one main advantage of it, during the holiday season, most freelancers go on leave, and if your deal is visible to the client, it increases your changes of hiring.

Set up a time limit

Set up a time limit of the period of discounts. For example, the deal is valid from xyz date to xyz date. This will make the clients take the advantage of the deal when you need them. Make sure that you make things clear to the client who is availing the discount.

Set up work limits

You can offer a free sample of a code but not the whole code, similarly  you can designed a website but if you give away the design as a free sample then the client would not need you. Asking for a small free sample by the client is ok but asking for more than that is not fair. Set work limits on your discounts. Let the client know exactly how much work you are going to do. For example if you are doing website designing then you can specify the two or three templates from which the client has to choose.

On spot deals, discounts, and Free samples

Many a times it will happen to you that the client might ask for any deals or discounts on your existing price. This is a very delicate situation for a freelancer because it means that you cannot refuse and you cannot wholly accept the fact that you have to work for less. In such conditions, you can try the following:

Limit the amount of work

If the client is asking for deals or discounts then you can limit the amount of work that you will do. For example if the job includes writing and posting on social media accounts and the client is asking for 10% discount then rather than giving up the whole job tell them you can write but not post. This way both will be happy.

Whatever might be the case, one thing you should not forget is to make sure that you have a written contract with the client about the work to safeguard your income. There is no limit to the amount of discount you can give, provided you get some benefits out of it in terms of money, more work, or references.

Discounts, Deals And Free Samples: To Do Or Not To Do?

When a new product is launched in the market, the marketing company makes a marketing plan for the product. The marketing plan many contain discounts, deals or free samples or all three of them to attract customers and establish a base in the market. Similarly, when you are a freelancer you have to from time to time offer some enticing offers to attract clients. With more than 30% of the world population favoring freelance work over regular jobs the competition is tough out there.

Deals and Discounts are also a way in which you can keep your name in circulation. For example if your name is in circulation with deals or discounts for web designing then a client is most likely to hire you then go in search for freelancers whose names are not in circulation.

For freelancers the question of offering discounts, deals and free samples has often been a topic of debate. For some it is a great way to break into the market especially if they have just started as a freelancer. On the other hand, many believe that lowering your quote can harm their creditability as a freelancer. As a freelancer, it is very difficult to estimate the amount of work involved in a project. You can estimate but can never clearly define the amount of effort and time that will go into it.

So the question arises whether you should be doing it or not. The answer is it will depend on project-to-project basis. However, there are some good and bad points, which you can consider to make your decisions easy:

The Good

  • If you have very few clients or have just started then offering discounts and deals can bring you an influx of clients.
  • Free samples of your work will help the client judge your understanding of the project and therefore chances are that you might bag a long-term project.
  • Limited time discounts or one-time deals can get you some quick cash.
  • Discounts, deals and free samples are a great way to build a portfolio as a freelancer and gather some testimonials.
    They are a great way to get into a tight budget client.

The Bad

  • It may seem that you are getting desperate for work and therefore offering the discounts.
  • You might end up attracting clients who want to get a lot of work done by paying meager price, which might not look so good on your portfolio.
  • When you offer a discount, the client might think that you feel that your rates are not justifiable. This might come across as a wrong impression.
  • Of course, you have to use your judgment at times to decide the course of events. Consider the following factors
  • Your current client network
  • Amount of work that you can take on
  • Is it going to put you in loss?
  • Will it benefit you in other ways except monetary

I once had a client interview me for a writing job who wanted five free article samples before hiring me and the job was of a total of 10 articles! Needless to say, I had to decline the offer, as it was clearly a sham to get some free work done. In addition, you have to be careful of clients who do not release your payment until you do some extra work.

When you are offering any kind of deal or discount then make sure that you make all the terms and conditions clear to the client before starting. Remember the idea is to get them to offer you more work and not to think that you are willing to work for less.