Freelance Marketing: Is It For You?

Freelance marketing is a dream job for any persona who is interested in marketing. However, like all other freelance jobs it requires a lot of hard work, organization, discipline, responsibility and patience on your part. If you want to strike out in the world as a freelancer marketer then here are some points, which you should consider before taking a plunge:

Do you absolutely love marketing?

Marketing has never been a fixed timing job. And with freelance marketing you will have to give up the timings entirely. As a marketer it is your job to be on the pulse of the marketing at all times. Even if you are marketing about a small product or targeting a particular demographic, you have to take the global approach. This means that you cannot ever say ‘my working timings are done for the day’.

The other aspect of marketing is that you have to absolutely love it at all the times. Ask yourself if you love people, products and the impact they have. The joy of having to see your marketing campaign take off and be a success cannot be compared with anything else.

Do you know your stuff?

It is one thing to love marketing and other thing to know about your stuff. Take a blank sheet of paper and write down all the things that you think that you think are needed to make a marketing campaign. Do not refer to any help when writing this, write from your own mind. When you are done writing then take a stock of what you have written and what you have missed.

Are you aware of true meaning of terms like branding, return of investment, targeting, engagement, sales, marketing, advertisement, social media marketing, follow up etc? Can you convince the client that you know what you are talking about and why he needs you?  These will be the two important questions that you should know the answers to.

Do you have the right image?

Nobody in this world today in looking for an oily haired sleek looking marketing executive to market his or her product. The world of marketing has moved much beyond its ancestral marketing rules. Marketing today is done both offline and online. As a freelance marketer you will have to know how to combine both means for a successful campaign.

Therefore, before bidding for freelance marketing jobs ask yourself if you have the right image and if not then are you willing to work hard for building one. Your image includes your qualifications, skills and portfolio. Of course your confidence and communication skills top in the list of the image building exercise.

You need to create a brand of yourself. The idea behind this is simple; if you can market yourself then you can market anything. The way you market yourself will say a lot to the client about the way you will market their brand.

Do you have funds to sustain yourself?

When starting out in marketing as a freelancer you will have to promote the brand that you have built for yourself. This will require some expenditure from your side. Sometimes you will need to eve handout some freebies as a part of the promotional package. This means that you might have to give the client a small taste of what he or she can look for if you get the whole project. Therefore make sure that you have at least some backup funds with you that can carry you until you get the payment for the project.

Do you have the tools for the trade?

The tools of the trade include a computer, internet connection, a working email account, telephone number and an office space, in case you need to hold meetings. These tools will help you in getting your work done in time and stay in touch with your clients easily. You will be easily able to present a professional front by utilizing these tools properly.

How to Become an Expert Freelance Writer

Writing is the most popular freelancing jobs worldwide. Over 70% of writers’ worldwide work as freelancers for various publications, companies, individuals, blogs, and media industry. Being a freelance writer is not easy because you have to learn to be a freelancer as well as a writer. If you are wondering what it takes to be an expert freelance writer then here are some points to help you:

Learn your language

You can write in any language provided you understand the language well. Whether you are writing in English, French, Hindi or any other language, you have to make sure that you understand all the grammar and punctuation rules and are able to use them correctly.

Try and read more and more publications and writings in your language, which will give you a fair idea of what are the latest developments, latest words included etc. Keep in mind that the slang that you use in your normal language might not be understood by everyone.

What do you want to write about?

Theoretically, you can write about anything under the sun.  However since it is not possible for you to ‘know’ everything, we suggest that you stick to some topics, which you know the best about. This will not only help you maintain a flow of writing but also help you in address the topic with confidence.

What kind of writing do you want to do?

After you have thought about the topic that you want to write about, it is then time to think about what kind of writing you want to do. Writing can fall under many categories such as advice, lists, stories, reviews, controversy, comparison, news reporting, diaries, events, life stories, book reviews, questions and answers, informational, inspirational, poetry to name a few.  Of course, you don’t have to restrict yourself to one particular category but it would help you focus more if you can shortlist some categories to start with.

Don’t be afraid to be dreadful

Trust yourself always when you are writing about your chosen topic.  Everything you write about will not be perfect and you should not expect it to be perfect. It is quite natural for a writer to have different views on a particular subject. Therefore, just trust yourself when writing a blog.

Read and Research

It is quite important for a blogger to research well into the topic that he/she is going to focus on. However, an expert blogger’s research does not stop on the topic itself, it also includes keeping up with what is happening around in the world. You have to make a habit of dedicating some time during the day to spend on reading. You can read other blogs, books, papers etc. and get to know what the world around you is listening to.

Your research should also include a timeline about your future posts. This will help you map out a direction for your blog which will in turn help you maintain a continuity in your blogs. Keep in mind that most of the blogs fail because they are not able to hold the interest of the readers. Focus on being credible and emotional in your writings.

Interact with the readers

An expert blogger always interacts with the readers. This interaction can be in many forms  such as responding to readers which comment on the blog, encourage readers to express their views, interact on social media platforms, post comments and queries on other blogs etc. Once you start interacting with readers, you will see that you will have more inputs for your freelance writing and it will only improve with time.

Why Freelancing Is The Right Choice For You?

Taking a plunge into freelancing is very much like deciding which career option to choose when you are in college. You have to weigh the pros and cons of each option you have before you select one. A common question that we hear at interviews is ‘What makes you think you are right for the job?’ To answer the question you must know what the job entails and how does it match to your skills and requirements. The same is true for freelancing, before you decide to take it up you must know whether it is the right choice for you or not. In this post, I have listed some points that will help you figure out the answer for the same.

Full time or part time

There are two types of freelancing work that you can undertake full time or part time. Full time freelancing means that you don’t take up a regular job and fully concentrate on freelancing. Part time freelancing is when you keep your regular job but also do some freelancing work as a source of extra income. You need to think carefully about which option you choose from. Keep in mind that no employer will like it if you do your freelancing jobs in regular working hours. Can you give enough time for both jobs is the prime question you need to answer when think about taking up part time freelancing.

Can you stay alone and work

Freelancing means that you have to work alone for 99% of the time. All the brainstorming that you need will have to be done by you. You will not have anybody ‘assisting’ or ‘helping ‘you in completing the work, or doing the marketing or gather data and equipment.  Most of the time freelancers don’t even have a regular office space. Therefore, think if you are up to doing all the work yourself.

You are OK with irregular income

Freelancing does not guarantee you regular income at any times. Income will depend on the assignment that you are working on currently. There might even be a gap between the assignments during which you will not have any income. So you will have to learn to save judiciously for a rainy day and also plan your expenditures.

You want to try new things and learn new skills

If you want to try out new things and learn new skills, then freelancing is the right job for you. Each job will get you a different and unique kind of experience, which will broaden your horizons. You will get a chance to learn new skills of your interest at your own time.

You stay at a remote location

Freelancing is a perfect career option for those who live in remote locations or have not been to find the correct job matching their skills in the area, which they live in. Sometimes commuting to the workplace might be a problem and in such cases, freelancing is a perfect choice.
Because even from a remote location you can easily have a global, reach when freelancing. You will get to choose your own assignments and make your own schedule, which is perfect for working from home.

You want more ‘me’ and family time

For whatever reasons if you feel that you need to give more family time or me time then freelancing might be just the option that you need. Since you will be working at your own pace with no unnecessary stress or pressure, you can give as much time as you want to your near and dear ones.

You love challenges

If you love new challenges then freelancing the way to go!  Each job that you take will bring you new challenges that will make you want to learn more and be the best of the best. These challenges can be in terms of time, research or output etc. and you will take pride in completing each one of them.

What You Need To Know Before Freelancing?

Freelancing is a very good option for those who want to strike out on their own. There can be many reasons behind you choosing freelancing as a career option for yourself. Some do it for some extra money along with their regular jobs, some do it because they need to pay bills or college tuition fees and some do it because they cannot or do not want to bound by regular office hours.

For me I took up freelancing because my family moves around a lot and it was not possible to join any office for a long term. Since I took up freelancing I have been able to make my own schedules, enjoy lot of family time and still earn some decent money. However like all journeys we taken on unknown path the journey to my being a successful freelancer has not been easy. In this post I would like to share my experience on things what you need to know before freelancing.

It is never going to be easy: Freelancing is not an easy job by any means. There is a lot of competition out there. When you take a plunge in freelancing you are going to be competing against people from all corners of the world and not just from a small set of works.  Also a lot of hard work will go into organizing, bidding for projects, meeting deadlines etc.  Client are going to come running to you at the start, you will have to attract them towards you.

No freelancer gets rich right away: Before you start freelancing make sure that you are not swayed by the advertisements like ‘earn 10000 rupees in a day’ or ‘I got rich working just 2 hours a day’ etc. they are frauds. There is no freelancing job that will make you rich in a day; in fact most freelancers cannot even make a decent earning in the beginning. It is more of a case of slow and steady. When I started working I used to apply for 30 jobs and get one or two.

People are not very receptive towards freelancing jobs: I have been working as a freelancer for 3 years now and when I tell people what I do, they still look at me with doubt in their eyes and ask ‘does it work’. They have a hard time accepting that you have to follow a schedule when you are just ‘sitting at home’. It will be your job to let these things not affect you and be firm in maintaining your schedule and deadlines.

You will be responsible for any glitches: These glitches can include many things like illness, broken equipment, no internet connection, emergency leave etc. You will have to work hard alone to get over these problem because with every client the deadline as to be made.

There are no extra perks or bonuses: When you are working on your own or freelancing there will be no perks or bonuses for you. Perks like insurance, paid leave, sick leave, and some kind of TA/DA are not applicable to freelancers even when they are working the same amount as the regular employee in a company. Same goes for bonuses, there are no regular bonuses in freelancing. There are some clients who might give you a bonus for a job well done or for completion in time but that is entirely the client’s prerogative and you cannot ask for it.

You cannot ignore even a single client: Every single client can make a difference of success and failure for you. You cannot ignore any client no matter how small is the project that you have undertaken. Therefore you will have to learn how to strike a balance and keep clients happy at all times.

You will have to learn to say no: You will have to learn to say no to both personal functions and commitments and to some of your clients. The hard reality of being a freelancer is that sometimes you will have to say no to some big projects because you are finishing up the other smaller ones. You need to keep some time aside for last minute changes or some extra work.

I hope the above points will help you better prepare for the challenges a freelancer has to face. It will help you avoid a lot of tension and disappointments and you will be able to enjoy the sweet victories (both big and small) of being your own boss.

Do You Have It In You To Make It As A Freelancer?

To be our own bosses is a dream come true job everybody in the world. Most people see freelancing as a chance of working on their own time, enjoying breaks when they want, billing hours from café while sipping a cup of fresh coffee and working, taking projects which they want, skipping a day without having to apply for leave or taking permissions. But are these perks enough for you to leave your regular job and take up freelancing jobs?

The answer is a straightforward ‘no’. On the surface you might see a freelancer as a master of his/her will but in reality before giving up your full time job or choosing between freelancing and full time job you need to know  think carefully about whether you have the qualities and skills needed to make it as a freelancer. There are some things which you will need to give up and some things which need to adapt to succeed as a freelancer. In this post, we will take a look at some of the things, which will help you decide whether you are up to it, or not?

Can you survive with variable income?

A freelancer’s income depends on the type of project he or she has in hand. Some months you will have many projects in hand and earn more than your average but in some months you might not have so many projects in hand and the income might not be so much. Also you will not be paid when you are on vacation or have to leave a project in midway. Therefore, think whether you can manage your finances even in slump. Also when you are just starting your jobs you might not be paid as much as you want, therefore can you manage in the starting days?

Can you work alone?

As a freelancer you will have to work alone a lot. There will be no time for office gossips or taking help from your friends. Most of the times you will be sitting alone on the desk of your home or rented office space and working. Therefore it will be entirely up to you to make your workplace as conductive as work at you can.

Can you push yourself out of bed?

Most of the newbie freelancers fail because of they cannot push themselves to get out of bed because they have nowhere to go. Think about it hard whether you can pull yourself out of the bed and fix a working time for yourself when you have nowhere to go.

Can you take criticism and failure?

As a freelancer you will not get every job that you will apply for. Also sometimes it might also happen that the client will reject your work or criticize it rather harshly. You will have to take the flak alone and might have to meet very tight deadlines. Therefore ask yourself how well you can handle criticism and failure. You can take the help of your family and friends and they will be truly able to help you figure out your this nature.

Can you deal with difficult clients?

Each freelance project that you will be getting will have a different requirement and every client needs to be handled differently. Do you have any experience in handing difficult clients and do you have the ability to self-market yourself to even the pickiest of clients? These are the two questions, which you need to ask yourself before starting out as a freelancer. Remember everything including marketing, gathering the required equipment, doing research and delivering the project to the client will have to be handled by you and you alone.