Taking a plunge into freelancing is very much like deciding which career option to choose when you are in college. You have to weigh the pros and cons of each option you have before you select one. A common question that we hear at interviews is ‘What makes you think you are right for the job?’ To answer the question you must know what the job entails and how does it match to your skills and requirements. The same is true for freelancing, before you decide to take it up you must know whether it is the right choice for you or not. In this post, I have listed some points that will help you figure out the answer for the same.
Full time or part time
There are two types of freelancing work that you can undertake full time or part time. Full time freelancing means that you don’t take up a regular job and fully concentrate on freelancing. Part time freelancing is when you keep your regular job but also do some freelancing work as a source of extra income. You need to think carefully about which option you choose from. Keep in mind that no employer will like it if you do your freelancing jobs in regular working hours. Can you give enough time for both jobs is the prime question you need to answer when think about taking up part time freelancing.
Can you stay alone and work
Freelancing means that you have to work alone for 99% of the time. All the brainstorming that you need will have to be done by you. You will not have anybody ‘assisting’ or ‘helping ‘you in completing the work, or doing the marketing or gather data and equipment. Most of the time freelancers don’t even have a regular office space. Therefore, think if you are up to doing all the work yourself.
You are OK with irregular income
Freelancing does not guarantee you regular income at any times. Income will depend on the assignment that you are working on currently. There might even be a gap between the assignments during which you will not have any income. So you will have to learn to save judiciously for a rainy day and also plan your expenditures.
You want to try new things and learn new skills
If you want to try out new things and learn new skills, then freelancing is the right job for you. Each job will get you a different and unique kind of experience, which will broaden your horizons. You will get a chance to learn new skills of your interest at your own time.
You stay at a remote location
Freelancing is a perfect career option for those who live in remote locations or have not been to find the correct job matching their skills in the area, which they live in. Sometimes commuting to the workplace might be a problem and in such cases, freelancing is a perfect choice.
Because even from a remote location you can easily have a global, reach when freelancing. You will get to choose your own assignments and make your own schedule, which is perfect for working from home.
You want more ‘me’ and family time
For whatever reasons if you feel that you need to give more family time or me time then freelancing might be just the option that you need. Since you will be working at your own pace with no unnecessary stress or pressure, you can give as much time as you want to your near and dear ones.
You love challenges
If you love new challenges then freelancing the way to go! Each job that you take will bring you new challenges that will make you want to learn more and be the best of the best. These challenges can be in terms of time, research or output etc. and you will take pride in completing each one of them.
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