Freelancing On A Shoestring Budget Made Easy With Following Tips

‘We might come closer to balancing the budget if all of us lived closer to the Commandments and the Golden Rule’ – Ronald Regan In my last post about the importance of budgeting, we discussed about why it is important for all freelancers to maintain a budget at all times. The unpredictable payment structure of […]

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Freelance Mystery Shopper

According to Oprah Winfrey, being a mystery shopper is one of the most uniquely satisfying careers ever. It can never go out of style and there is always a demand for mystery shoppers. Freelance mystery shoppers have a lot of potential in their hands to make it really big for themselves. Every organization values independent […]

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Earning Most From Your Blogs Without Cluttering It With Advertisements

Blogs are one of the easiest ways to put your word across to a wider audience. So why should you not earn from the blogs? However, the most off putting mistake that a blogger can make is cluttering his or her blog with advertisements, which pop up annoyingly when the reader is reading a post. […]

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Five Quirky Freelancing Jobs

Tell anybody that you work as a freelancer and they will ask you about either of the two things: what do you write about or what kind of programing that you do? Most people’s idea of freelancing is limited to writing or something related to computers but if you will dig a little deeper freelancing […]

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Things A Freelancer Should Never Say To A Client

The best part about being a freelancer is that you gain a kind of experience that a regular job. You get to meet a number of people, you get to work on a variety of projects and expand your horizons. However, you also will have to learn how to deal with different kinds of people […]

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Deals, Discounts, And Free Samples: How Much Is Enough?

The expectation of getting ‘something extra’ with everything in our lives comes quite naturally to human beings. Researches, studies of years of advertising have proven this as a fact that the prospect of getting something ‘free’ with a product or getting a product at a discounted price is what that attracts the customers the most. […]

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Discounts, Deals And Free Samples: To Do Or Not To Do?

When a new product is launched in the market, the marketing company makes a marketing plan for the product. The marketing plan many contain discounts, deals or free samples or all three of them to attract customers and establish a base in the market. Similarly, when you are a freelancer you have to from time […]

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Budgeting: Why Is It Important For A Freelancer?

Being a freelancer means that you are your own boss. This also means that you are responsible for the success or failure of your jobs.  A freelancer does not have a steady income at all time. The income will vary depending on the nature of the job, number of clients etc. Freelancing also does not […]

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Freelance Marketing: Is It For You?

Freelance marketing is a dream job for any persona who is interested in marketing. However, like all other freelance jobs it requires a lot of hard work, organization, discipline, responsibility and patience on your part. If you want to strike out in the world as a freelancer marketer then here are some points, which you […]

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How to be an good freelance Web designer: Part I

A web designer is a person who puts the dreams and vision of people in to reality on the Web. Ever since the advent of Internet , the demand of qualified and good  Web designers has skyrocketed. There are many individuals as well as companies who offer various types of web designing services. In fact, […]

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