Dedication to a project as a freelancer

A freelancer is a person who does work for two relative things, one is to generate money and secondly who has an immense passion to do it.

Taking this in account, what a freelancer should ideally have to succeed is Dedication to his/her work.

Brief note on Dedication:

Dedication is an act of binding yourself to the work no matter how the situations are around you. An individual must take care of the given project as their own and also think about how the users will be benefited by the work they create and produce. While we talk about this, we in turn need to have in mind that the client’s expectations are met and put together a plan.

Steps to stay dedicated

Gathering requirements, creating a plan, setting expectations for yourself and meeting deadline are some key factors which drives you to dedicate to the work. Remember, there are a lot of people out there who has the same talent and have mastered the work as you do but the key to succeed as a freelancer is to perform the job with more perspiration, determination and interest. For instance, Java could be learnt through many websites, blogs, and videos; however the sense of learning involves dedication.

You ought to focus on your goal constantly and should aim for it unswervingly. Make sure you set your priorities right and go by it. Try to avoid taking multiple projects at one point of time. A freelancer should always embrace the opportunity given to them and persuade the job. When the opportunity given is realized the positive attitude of an individual is invoked leading to the steps of successes. Consider every chance as a stage where you can refine your skills and produce the best outcome.

Going by the saying

“Don’t ever give up.

Don’t ever give in.

Don’t ever stop trying.

Don’t ever sell out.

And if you find yourself succumbing to one of the above for a brief moment,

Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, whisper a .prayer, and start where you left off.

But never, ever, ever give up.”

One must never slip away from our ways to finish a goal. We must be steadily motivated and focus on the path of completion. This comes with involvement towards your work.

As an owner of the task you do, you need to make sure a complete work structure is maintained which will help you track the projects, budgets, client’s feedback and if possible you can even reuse some important notes. The quality of the work and the service you offer is valued at the top. Make it as a practice to serve the best out of you.

Dedication not only involves work, but also the way that you communicate to clients on time in-spite of the day to day challenges handled. You must make a schedule for the activities you do, and allocate time slot for each so that you remain devoted to what you do.

Do things right on time. make sure the work doesn’t get piled up. For example, if you get 10 jobs to work , and the deadline is two days don’t save it for the last day. Split the work in hours and get it done by one and half days and review the work you done. This kind of dedication is necessary to maintain the quality and the performance of the job.

Take some time in every day or week to organize your to do list. Make sure you sit and complete the work you start with and do not leave it behind. This will then be a burden and you will lose the concentration on the subject.

As a freelancer you take work for short term goals which helps you to keep learning and remain enthusiastic. This is the best opportunity you get to focus on the work. There are several groups which tell about dedicated people and their sacrifices which led them to heights. You must often refer to those and frame your path to succeed. Have belief in your own self.

The universal statement “Practice makes a man perfect”, it says more about hard work, dedication and the work. More you do work with dedication the more you achieve. Having talent but who does not work to put an effort will not be able to prosper, whereas the desire and the devotion you show to learn will boost your career.

Make some simple artwork in your room keeping in mind of the dedicational quotes you have come across. Create your own chart and the rules that you have framed for yourself and pin it. Every day when you feel low, go through them and rediscover your thoughts and approach. Always have in mind the goal to accomplish what you have started with.

At times rewarding ourselves for what you have done for the day helps finding out the gaps that you have missed. You will have the desire to fill in the gaps and learn more new techniques. This way of dedicating yourself to the work and not getting diverted too much makes you a better freelancer.

A popular sportsman Michael Jordan once said, “It’s my standards that make me successful, every day I demand more from myself than anybody else could humanly expect from me. I’m not competing against somebody else; I’m competing with what I am capable of” These amazing lines tells us more about the devotion he has in his oneself

If an individual understands the importance of following this as a continuous process, the progress level will increase and start to feel as an energetic sky rocket. The most important factor in creating an extraordinary quality of work is through dedication. Yet in a time of constant demands, we often neglect what we know is most important. In order to take your life to the next level, it’s crucial to make a commitment to living a more organized life.

How to be an good freelance Web designer: Part I

A web designer is a person who puts the dreams and vision of people in to reality on the Web. Ever since the advent of Internet , the demand of qualified and good  Web designers has skyrocketed. There are many individuals as well as companies who offer various types of web designing services. In fact, each page that you open on the Internet has been ‘web designed’ by somebody. Therefore as a freelance Web designer, the opportunities in front of you are limitless. However, we all know that the best jobs go to people who know what they are talking about.
So what does it take to be an expert freelance Web designer? In this post, we will touch upon the ingredients needed to make you the expert and then in subsequent posts we will elaborate on each of these points.

Learn how websites work

As a freelance web designer, it is expected that you know about how different websites work. You need to know what the different types of websites are and what makes them work. You should be an expert in one programing language, Java script, databases, content management systems, RSS and mailing lists, and integrating social media.

Know how to troubleshoot problems

There is no such thing as a perfect website. As you work towards integrating the client demands you will face glitches therefore you should have a determined outlook towards troubleshooting problems. Sometimes you can work around them and sometimes you will just have to find a solution.

Keep searching for what is new in the web world

As a freelance web designer your search for what is the latest in the designing world should never end. You have to work hard towards keeping yourself updated to what is the latest your world. You can also check out the magazine and newspaper layouts to know what the client wants.

Work towards improving communication skills

You cannot justify your skills if you don’t know how to communicate with the client. Since most of the freelancing work takes place online therefore you need be very concise in your communications. Also communication is a two way street therefore if you don’t understand what a client wants in the early stages, you will end up wasting a lot of time in correction and changes later on.

Be clear on the expectations

When negotiating for a project be clear about your expectations from the beginning. Let them know what payment you expect. This will help you in winning the client confidence and prevent any problems on the later stage. As to figuring out how much you can charge you will have to work that out by checking out the competition and doing a honest analysis of your skills.

Don’t say you can do it and then learn later on

The biggest mistake that a freelance web designer can make is to commit for something which they don’t know about and think that they can always learn it in the due course of the project. This is a big no-no. If you don’t know it then say that you don’t know it. It is very easy to detect a novice’s work and an expert’s work.

If you have messed up own it

In the course of your work, it is natural that you will make mistakes. The bigger mistake will be when you don’t own up to it. If you have made a mistake then accept it and do whatever you can to rectify it without wasting any time. Don’t wait for your clients to call you out, take the first step.