Points to remember – for the first time freelancer

A person who does freelancing for the first time may go through many emotions and decision making tendencies. It is alright to try freelancing even if you have a regular work. The key is in the passion one has to pursue his or her interests. If the freelancer has a passion for the work he is involved in, he may see success very soon.

Combined with passion is the enthusiasm to get work and do the same effectively. Enthusiasm sparks creativity as well. So another most important trait required for a first time freelancer is enthusiasm to follow through and get work done.

Self discipline is another trait most people need to work on. For a freelancer this is essential as he is not reporting to anyone while at work. So he has to be on time for work, continue to work for the stipulated hours and bring out results with out supervision.

Balancing both personal front and professional front is a challenge that first timers face, it is important to k now how to balance your personal and professional life, especially when you do not travel out of home for work.

Money management is difficult for a first timer, unless the experience is good. So be lenient and learn the ropes of freelancing before you demand great rewards. There may be too much competition around. But cleverness does not pay for the first timer, as you will have to work and prove yourself.

Look at the community near you. You may find initial opportunities coming in from there. This community will help you in your professional and will also demand something in return. So go ahead and be a part of the mutually helpful community that you live in. Market yourself in your community by joining in for other voluntary efforts and you will be popular. Popularity instantly earns you the rewards, and people might just start referring you for more work.

Create portfolios that will help you reach other once you are established. Web pages or even good advertisements will earn you a lot of exposure. Let us not even mention the benefits if word of mouth publicity. Money should be the last criteria when you freelance. Charge less in the beginning. Once you get to be the expert you may quote your prices and be confident that you will for sure be successful.

Ongoing contracts may have a few lessons to offer. Try to learn as much as possible from your assignments. Once the learning is over, the rest will follow in line. But do not have too many to do in one go. If you are doing one project, give your complete attention to it. Distractions affect the quality of work. So, if you are a part-timer and want to freelance as well, be sure to deliver to the best of your abilities.

Freelancers need to be brave. There are times when you will not have any project in hand. You may be constantly looking for a job. Other times you will have your days full with work. Both ways are dreadful and hence one has to prepare for extreme eventualities. Be prepared to work hard when there is lot of work coming your way. And have a strong emotional capability to handle days when projects are not so forthcoming.

Another factor that you will not have control over is what the client will say about you. Some may give a positive feedback and some may not. As a first timer try to remember that your reaction also matters. So accept criticism and move on. Where the positives are said, appreciate, and thank the client.

Keep in mind that your skills have to speak louder than your voice. Hence, concentrate on doing a better job each time. Big companies will give you more exposure. Be sure to charge them fairly. Big companies can also cause you losses, if they do not like your work.

Learn to handle competition that exists among freelancers. Your networking skills will help you here. Improve your entrepreneurial skills and you will be able to go a long way.

The factors mentioned above are the major challenges a freelancer is bound to face while at work. But as your experience increases, you may have to overcome more and more challenges on the personal front. This may be in the form of health issues, or owning your business, hiring people and expanding your horizons. On the professional front, some of the challenges pertaining to knowledge will grow less as you will be an expert as time flies. Let me wish you a good time ahead!

About K Saravana Kumar

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